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Thanksgiving Conversations

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Role play: You are talking with your cousin but you have to go help set the table - end the conversation.
Role Play: Your aunt just came over - start a conversation, maintain (2 turns), then end the conversation.
Are you a turkey person or a ham person? Ask your teammate with the longest hair!
Would you rather play a game of football or watch football? (AMERICAN football!) Ask the person to your left.
Would you rather watch the Thanksgiving parade or be in it? Why?
Role Play: You were watching football with your cousin, but now you have to go to your grandma's house for dinner. End the conversation.
Role Play: You are at a Thanksgiving dinner and you are talking to your elderly aunt/uncle. Now you have to go help with the dishes - end the conversation.
Role Play: Pretend you and your peer are at a Thanksgiving dinner. Start a conversation, maintain, then end the conversation.
Would you rather help cook the food or help wash the dishes? Ask another classmate, give a comment or ask question.
Whose house would you like to go to for Thanksgiving? Ask person to your right, comment and end the conversation.
What is your favorite way to eat potatoes? Ask another person what their favorite is.
Mashed potatoes, baked, fries?
Name 2 things you are grateful/thankful for. Ask another person what they are grateful for and ask a question or comment.
Ask the tallest person if they go shopping during Black Friday and after they answer, end the conversation.
If you got the wishbone, what would you wish for? Ask another peer and give a comment.
What is your favorite kind of pie? Ask another person what their favorite is.
Pumpkin, sweet potato, apple....
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food (or which food would you most like to try)? Ask another person what their favorite is. 
Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, green beans....