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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Huge forts on wheels will dash across open spaces at the speed of express trains of today."
War Tanks
"Photographs will be telegraphed from any distance"
Digital phtography
"Ready-cooked meals will be bought from establishment similar to our bakeries of today."
Pre-prepared meals
Humans will implant robotic parts on themselves
In the future, robotic parts will be implanted on humans
People will prefer means of transportation that are eco-friendly
Eco-friendly means of transportion will be preferred (by people)
Astronauts will grow plants in other planets
Plants will be grown in other planets (by astronauts)
Every person with sight problems will use high-tech contact lenses
High-tech contact lenses will be used by every person with sight problems
What are your predictions about money ?
free answer
Computer scientists beleive that all computers' data will be deleted on 2000' new year's eve (prediction from the past)
Computer scientists believed that all computers' data would be deleted on 2000's new year's eve
Einstein predicts that the nuclear energy won't be controlled. (prediction from the past)
Einstein predicted that the nuclear energy wasn't going to be controlled in the future
people think the world will extinguish in 2012 (prediction from the past)
People predicted that the world would be extinguished in 2012
What are your predictions about the environment?
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What are your predictions about artificial intelligence?
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Coming years / our homes / self-controlled
In coming years, our homes will (are going to) be self-controlled
Future / personal computers / hollographic screens
In the future, personal computers will (are going to) have holographic screens
What device did Bill Gates predicted?
The cell phone / smart phone.
What were the correct predictions made by Steve Jobs
Great deal of time spent in personal computers, Computers at home and office connected
What was the first personal computer that Bill gates created
Kennet Olsen predicted that computers would never be used in home. What year?