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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do Italians have for dinner? (Say 1)
Pasta / Chicken / Meat / Fish / Vegetables
What do Italians have as a snack? (Say 1)
Ham and cheese sandwich / Fruit juice
What do Italians have for breakfast? (Say 1)
Coffee / Milk / Bread / Jelly
What country is this?
It's China.
What country is this?
It's Italy.
What country is this?
It's New Zealand.
What countries are in the book?
United States, New Zealand, Italy and China.
How many countries are in the book?
Why can't Alex go to China?
Because it's too expensive.
What colour is the Italian flag?
It's green, white and red.
What animal is a Kiwi?
It's a bird.
Does Alex love to travel?
Yes, he does.
How many dogs Alex has got?
He has got 5 dogs.
How many cats Alex has got?
He has got 3 cats.
Where does Alex live?
He lives in Houston. / He lives in the USA.
What's Alex full name?
It's Alex Thomas Ben Smith.
Who's this?
She's Alex's sister.
Who is this?
She is Alex's mum.
Who's this?
He's Alex's dad.
Who is this?
He is Alex's brother.
What's his name?
His name is Alex.