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Comparatives vs Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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England is cold in the winter. Iceland is colder. England ...
England isn't as cold as Iceland.
Australia is big. Canada is bigger. Australia ...
Australia isn't as big as Canada.
Istanbul is beautiful. Rome is beautiful. Istanbul ...
Istanbul is as beautiful as Rome.
London is crowded. Tokyo is crowded. London ...
London is as crowded as Tokyo.
Mike sang ______ (loudly) of all.
the most loudly
Could you speak ______ (slowly) , please? I don't understand.
more slowly
He drives ______ (carefully) of all his friends.
the most carefully
Martha is _____ (short) of her sisters.
the shortest
Andrew is lazier than Wendy. Wendy ...
Wendy isn't as lazy as Andrew.
He runs ______ (fast) his brother.
faster than
Of all the mechanics, Miguel was _______ (reliable).
the most reliable
Jim listens carefully. Kim listens carefully. Kim ....
Kim listens as carefully as Jim.
Ashley drives ________ (badly) the other driver.
worse than
Cora has ____ (grumpy) cat in the neighborhood.
the grumpiest
Of all my classes, Math is ______ (difficult).
the most difficult
He has _______ (vicious) dog in the neighborhood.
the most vicious
Of all the chefs, Todd made _______ (delicious) cake.
the most delicious
He is _______ (happy) his sister.
happier than
Tom wrote ______ (interesting) essay of the class.
the most interesting
He skated ______ (impressively) of all the competitors.
the most impressively
The book is _____ (exciting) the movie.
more exciting than
Ted is playing _______ (badly) today than yesterday.
Mary has ____ (red) hair I have ever seen.
the reddest
Betty works ______ (hard) now than last year.
That puppy was ______ (fat) one in the litter.
the fattest
Tom is _____ (happy) of all the students.
the happiest
He played ______ (well) of any player.
the best
Julia did NOT do well on the exam. Sam did well on the exam. Julia ....
Julia didn't do as well as Sam.
A turtle is ____ (slow) a dog.
slower than
Tom is _____ (angry) me about the situation.
angrier than
Sheila ran _____ (quickly) I did.
more quickly than
Michigan is _______ (good) place in the world!
the best