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Book 4 - Mixed Conditionals (2nd and 3rd)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I would be there now if I ___ (not miss) the bus.
I would be there now if I hadn't missed the bus.
If we ___ (win) the lottery last night, we would be rich.
If we had won the lottery last night, we would be rich.
You ____ (not be) so tired if you'd gone to bed earlier.
You wouldn't be so tired if you had gone to bed earlier.
If they ___ (not eat) so much, they wouldn't feel ill now.
If they hadn't eaten so much, they wouldn't feel ill now.
He would be living in America now if he ___ (get) the job.
He would be living in America now if he had got the job.
If we had lost the game, we _____ (not be) top of the league.
If we had lost the game, we wouldn't be top of the league.
If I ____ (see) her, I would be happy.
If I had seen her, I would be happy.
If I had studied harder, I _______ (have) a degree now.
If I had studied harder, I would have a degree now.
If you ____ (not stay) with me last night, I would be scared.
If you hadn't stayed with me last night, I would be scared.
Sam feels lonely. He would be happier if he ____ (be) married.
Sam feels lonely. He would be happier if he had been married.