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3JR Make Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We played tennis with Jenny last Friday.
My mom speaks Spanish, English and French.
She bought 3 pairs of shoes last Saturday.
No, they don't work on the weekend.
For my birthday, I usually have a party with my family.
We went to my grandma's house last Christmas.
No, I didn't go to school yesterday.
The cat climbed the tree because it saw a dog.
The old lady saw the postman at the door.
Mary is going to visit her teacher this evening.
She likes rock and pop music.
We have two books in our house.
They don't have a TV because they are expensive.
My family watches TV in the evening.
The museum is next to the school.
You should go to the hospital to see a doctor.
Yes, you should call her soon.
He is listening to music right now.
Yes, there's ice cream in the freezer.
No, I can't climb trees.
Johnny often reads romantic stories in his free time.
We went to David's birthday party last night.
We had ten books in the bookcase.
James is playing tennis in the school ground.
He's listening to music.
Their new car costs $35000.
You can buy these books at any bookshop.
Julia was from Peru.
I'm angry because Joe didn't come to our meeting.
Julia and her family live in the USA.
We are travelling to Spain by airplane.
She's 45 years old.
He lived in a small flat in London.
David liked cats because they are nice.
We are going to the cinema this weekend.
Jenny isn't sleeping late today.
I'm leaving now.
John is writing a letter.
She walks home from school.
They go to work by bus.
The children are sitting in the garden.
Peter runs with his dog on Sundays.