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Present simple or Present continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The trouble is it ______ (not/fit) properly. I ______ (not/know) why I bought them, really.
doesn't fit/ don't know
Your new dress ______ (look) very nice.
It ______ (get) out of date now.
is getting
But computers ______ (cost) so much money.
Andy and Lily _____ (want) a new computer. They ______ (save) up to buy one.
want/ are saving
I _____ (think) he's busy. He ______ (talk) to the boss at the moment.
think/ is talking
_____ (you/look) for someone?
Are you looking for someone?
The sun _____ (rise) in the east and _____ (set) in the west.
I haven't got a car at the moment, so I _____ (go) to work on the bus this week. Usually I _____ (drive) to work.
am going/ drive
How ______ (Lily/travel) to work?
How does Lily travel to work?
Normally, Ana _____ (finish) work at five, but this week she _____ (work) until six to earn a bit money.
finishes/ is working
What time ______ (you/ usually/finish) work?
What time do you usually finish work?
He _____ (live) in Milan but now he _____ (stay) with his aunt in Vietnam.
lives/ is staying
Really? Where ____ he _____ (live)?
It _____ (not snow) in my country.
isn't snow
Look! It _____ (snow).
I _____ (write) to my parents. I _____ (write) to them every weekend.
am writing/write