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ELL Empowerment

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: ELL’s come from households in which English is the first language
True or False: Handing over responsibility to the students by encouraging their control of the learning process or allowing them the options to choose topics pertaining to their interest can promote their learner autonomy
True or False: ELL’s sometimes have negative labels or stigmas attached to them
True or False: Giving feedback is not an example of learner autonomy
What are some examples of technology available for multiliteracy?
multimedia ESL lessons, multimodal composing and digital storytelling
What are some examples of technology available for learner autonomy?
collaborative learning tools, self-directed learning tools
True or False: One of the biggest challenges in teaching a multicultural classroom is that the teacher may not share the same home language as students
How can technology support learner empowerment?
it can help teacher enrich the learning environment, differentiate the learning tasks, and give students the ownership of their learning
How can students engage in learner autonomy outside the classroom?
by making use of digital learning technologies, finding support from distant learning, or seeking other learning opportunities
How can you raise the awareness of multiliteracies in your classroom?
providing spaces for students to express their multiple identities in various forms
How can you promote learner autonomy in your classroom?
creating collaboration and reflective opportunities for the students
What two aspects are used to empower ELL's
Learner autonomy and multiliteracy
What is multiliteracy?
emphasizes that language use is context-specific and multimodal
What is learner empowerment?
raising learner’s awareness of the control they can have over their own learning process
What is learner autonomy?
the ability to take charge of one’s own learning