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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What zone are you expected to be in when you’re reading at school?
Green Zone
What zone are you expected to be in when you’re homesick?
Blue zone
What zone are you expected to be in when you’re running around at recess?
Yellow zone
What is a strategy you can use in the yellow zone?
Ask for a break, drink water, deep breaths, walk, swing, etc.
True or False: the red zone is bad!
False- there are no “bad” zones.
What is a strategy you can use when you are in the blue zone?
Splash water on face, drink water, gum, go for a walk, etc.
Why is it important to know your body clues for when your feelings are getting too intense?
This helps you to know when to use a strategy, because it is easier to use a strategy before your feelings get too intense.
When do I need to use self regulation skills?
All the time- especially when I am mad, sad, tired, bored, etc. 
What is a body sign that lets you know that your feelings are getting too intense?
Some possible answers: heart racing, clenched fists, red face, breathing faster, tight muscles, etc.
True or false: it is easier to manage your feelings before they get too intense?
What is self regulation?
Recognizing how you are feeling, and handling your feelings in a good and healthy way.
Tell about a time you were in the red zone.
A story about being terrified, livid, furious, etc.
Tell about a time you were in the yellow zone.
A story about being frustrated, annoyed, silly, excited, etc.
Tell about a time you were in the green zone
A story about being calm, focused, ready to learn, etc.
Tell about a time you were in the blue zone.
A story related to being sad, sick, bored, tired, hurt, etc.
What are the 4 Zones of Regulation colors?
Blue, Green, Yellow, Red