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Relative Pronouns 2.0

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Talk about a time when you had to accept something you did not agree with.
Free answer
Mr. Reynolds is a taxi driver. Mr. Reynolds lives on the corner.
Mr. Reynolds, who is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
Talk about a time you had an issue with a person who works with you.
Free answer
Talk about a task which you hate performing in your job.
Free answer
This is the cake. My grandma made the cake.
This is the cake which my grandma made.
Talk about a person whose work you admire.
Free answer
This is the book. I told you about the book.
This is the book which I told you about.
This is the woman. My cousin married the woman.
This is the woman whom my cousin married.
Michael is the boy. His brother is a police officer.
Michael is the boy whose brother is a police officer.
This is the shop. I usually buy my clothes in this shop.
This is the shop where I usually buy my clothes.
This is the place. I met my wife in this place.
This is the place where I met my wife.
Lady Gaga is a famous singer. Lady Gaga was nominated for an Oscar.
Lady Gaga is a famous singer who was nominated for an Oscar.
Megan is a teacher. Megan works at Waldorf School.
Megan is a teacher who works at Waldorf School.
New York is a big city in the USA. New York has 20.4 million people.
New York, which is a big city in the USA, has 20.4 million people.
I met the writer. His work inspired me.
I met the writer whose work inspired me.
I know the man. His company supplies laboratory equipment.
I know the man whose company supplies laboratory equipment.
This is the man. I need to speak to the man.
This is the man whom I need to speak to.
This is the woman. She won the award three times.
This is the woman who won the award three times.