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Spooky Halloween

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Dance like this:
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To make a Jack o' Lantern, you need a new pumpkin. True or false?
What food was used in the Jack o' Lantern before the pumpkin?
What is the food that the womans in the Celtic tribe made?
Soul Cake.
Give 3 examples of house decorations.
Witches, skulls, mummies, vampires, ghosts, and many others,
In what century did the irish immigrants brought Halloween to the USA?
In the 19th Century.
All Saints' Day was celebrated what day? (before November 1st)
May 13rd
Witch's Day exist. True or false?
True. Witch's Day is another name for Halloween.
During the Middle Ages, there was a change on the host of the festival. Who coordinated after the tribe?
The church.
The expression Trick or Treat is used a lot on Halloween. What country did it originate in?
What was the myth of the Halloween day?
That day the dead rose up and took over the bodies of the living. For this reason, costumes were used.
A common Halloween act is to decorate a pumpkin with a mouth and eyes and a lantern inside. How was this pumpkin known?
Jack o' Lantern.
What is the festival that the tribe that created Halloween celebrate, and what is its duration?
Samhain. 3 days.
It is believed that Halloween was invented by a tribe that resided in Ireland and northern France. What is this tribe called?
Put okay!
Halloween is celebrated more than 3000 years ago. True or false?
Name a Halloween tradition.
Trick or treat, dress up and decorate home.
What are the most common Halloween colors?
Orange, purple and black.
What day is after Halloween?
All Saints' Day
"Halloween" is an abbreviation of what expression?
All Hallows' Eve.