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Touching Spirit Bear Review

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What is one of the dances that Cole does on the island?
Whale, wolf, anger
Who is Nathaniel Blackwood?
The high-paid criminal defense lawyer hired by Cole's dad.
"The Circle needs to know that Peter Driscal is not rehabilitating well, either physically or emotionally." What does rehabilitate mean in this case?
To recover, heal.
Who is responsible for maintaining order in Circle Justice?
The Keeper
How often did Cole's father visit the hospital?
"We stuck our necks out so far we feel like two giraffes" What form of figurative language is this?
What was the name of the nurse who took care of Cole in Drake?
What happened to the baby sparrows in the Spruce tree?
Were killed with lightning struck
What did Cole carry to represent his ancestors and his anger?
A stone
What was the food that Garvey prepared to illustrate that life is what you make of it?
What did Cole have as proof of the Spirit Bear attack?
clump of white hair.
Who is the author of Touching Spirit Bear?
Ben Mikaelsen
What is the setting of the majority of the novel?
An remote island in Alaska
Who is the protagonist of the story?
Cole Matthews
"Mosquitos landed on his lips and tongue at will. His skin had become swollen and puffy, burning with a fiery itch." This is an example of what type of conflict?
Person vs. Nature
"It would be easy to not soak or carry the rock. All he needed to do was make up a good story before returning to camp. " This is an example of what type of conflict?
Person vs. Self