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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a interrogative: I like chocolate milk.
Do you like chocolate milk?
Complete: My parents ______ (not / go) to work on Sundays.
My parents don't go to work on Sundays.
Make a interrogative: ______ (they / read) a lot of books?
Do they read a lot of book?
You ______ (don't come / come) from England. You're Scottish!
You don't come from England. You're Scottish!
Put in order: in the / breakfast / morning / have / We
We have breakfast in the morning
Wendy and Kate ______ (go / don't go) to my school. They go to a different school.
Wendy and Kate don't go to my school. They go to a different school.
Make a question: The teachers / check / the homework.
Do the teachers check the homework?
True or False: We play football and we don't play volleyball.
False! What is the correct sentence?
Connect sentences: I speak English. I don't speak Portuguese.
I speak English but I don't speak Portuguese.
Make a question: You / drink / mineral water.
Do you drink mineral water?
Make a question: They / clean / the bathroom / every week.
Do they clean the bathroom every week?
Put the in order: cook / They / at / dinner / night
They cook dinner at night
Make it negative: I write a letter every month.
I don't write a letter every month.
We sometimes ______ (read) books.
We sometimes read books.