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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ she _____ (have) blue eyes?
Does she have blue eyes?
I _____ (not like) pop songs.
I don't like pop songs.
"White coffee" ___ (mean) coffee with milk.
"White coffee" means coffee with milk.
I ____ (not eat) soup for lunch.
I don't eat soup for lunch,
___ she ___ (write) a lot of emails?
Does she write a lot of emails?
___ you ____ (read) books in English?
Do you read books in English?
___ China ___ (make) a lot of computers?
Does China make a lot of computers?
She __ (have) dinner in the evening.
She has dinner in the evening.
I ___ (have) breakfast in the morning.
I have breakfast in the morning.
___ he ____ (speak) German?
Does he speak German?
___ wine ___ (smell) nice?
Does wine smell nice?
___ they ____ (eat) a lot of popcorn?
Do they eat a lot of popcorn?
The students ____ (not drink) coffee.
The students don't drink coffee.
___ you ___ (sing) English songs?
Do you sing English songs?
The girl ___ (not sing) Italian songs.
The girl doesn't sing Italian songs.
The man ___ (prefer) tea without sugar.
The man prefers tea without sugar.
My mother ____ (like) chocolate cake.
My mother likes chocolate cake.
___ she ____ (like) brown bread?
Does she like brown bread?