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What should I do game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My son stays all day long on the computer.
I think you should...
I’m getting fat.
I think you should...
An alien creature contacted me.
I think you should...
I love the beach, but I get always sun burnt.
I think you should...
I broke the neighbor’s window.
I think you should...
My father is driving recklessly.
I think you should...
I have just missed the bus and I have an important meeting.
I think you should...
I lost a lot of money playing cards.
I think you should...
Invent a situation and give the advice.
I’m hungry, but I’m on a diet.
I think you should...
My English pronunciation is terrible.
I think you should...
Finish the sentence: to be happy you should.
I'm so stressed, I want to relax but I don't know how.
I think you should...
I'm a terrible cook, but I want to improve.
I think you should...
I like my friend's ex-girlfriend and I want to ask her out.
I think you should...
I want to make lots of money really quickly.
I think you should...
Invent a situation and give the advice.
My neighbours always have loud parties and I can't sleep.
I think you should...
I'm jealous of my friend. She has found love and I haven't.
I think you should...
I've moved to a new area and I don't know anyone.
I think you should...
I'm too nervous to learn how to drive.
I think you should...
My cat has gone missing. I haven't seen her since last night.
I think you should...
I want to be a professional singer and become famous.
I think you should...
It's a beautiful day today but I can't decide what to do.
I think you should...
Invent a situation and give the advice.
I hate my college course, but my parents want me to finiSh it.
I think you should...
I want to go travelling for a year but my partner doesn't.
I think you should...
My friend is very negative. He never stops complaining.
I think he/she should...
My car keeps making a strange noise. I'm worried about it.
I think you should...
I don't know what to buy for my brother for his birthday.
I think you should...