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Present perfect simple or continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Recently he ............... (work) fewer hours because he .................... (feel) very well. He has a sore back.
has been working / hasn't been feeling
They ........................ always .................. (want) to go to Australia - it's their dream.
have always wanted
Susan .......... (visit) the USA a couple of times but she prefers visiting Europe.
has visited
Come on! You ....... (sleep) for 12 hours! It's time to get up!
have been sleeping
I ............. (finish) my homework. I .......... (watch) that new Netfilx series all afternoon.
haven't finished / have been watching
past participle - feel
past participle - come
past participle - read
past participle - swim
past participle - forget
We .................. (be) friends for many years.
have been
He .......... just ................. (pass) his exam!
has just passed
Where .................. they ............... (be) all day? I didn't see them at school today!
have they been
How long .......... she ........... (have) her new car?
has she had
How long ............ you ............. (study) English?
have you been studying
How many times ................ (read) your favourite book?
have you read
My sister ......... (see) the new James Bond film yet!
hasn't seen
I've ................... (play) the guitar for 3 hours and now my hands hurt.
been playing