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The War Robots Challenge ( 70% FAIL )

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Whats the Pilot with the best skill in WR?
Svyatogor Belov!! He can Skip Shield when Fafnir activate the abillitiy!
What is the only T4 Drone that you can buy in the Store?
The Glider!
Did you finished all the question? If not then Keep playing, If you've finished it, Tell me whats your Final Point!
What is the best way to farm AU in WR?
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What is the fastest way for Money-free people to get good weapons and Robots?
Join some giveaways! Go! Go!
Whats the name of this old robot?
Its the BOA! a real brawler! Although it had been HEAVILY NERFED
What is the best Way to Farm AG?
Play Free-For-All matches! You can get up to 700K for each 1st!
What is the new Tanker? ( normal bots )
The Revenant!
What is The name of the next coming Titan?
The Luchador!
What is the Ultimate Healer in War Robots? Feature:2 med,2 light slot
Its The TYR!!