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Review high 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sequence: (present/past/past participle): _______-was/were-_______
be- been
Complete the sequence: (present/past/past participle): take-______- ______
took- taken
Complete the sequence: (present/past/past participle): hear- _____- ______
heard - heard
Complete the sequence: (present/past/past participle) : _____ - ______ - seen
see - saw
Complete the sequence: (present/past/past participle): go - ____ -_____
went - gone
Complete the sequence: (present/past/past participle): do _____ - done
Complete the sequence: (present/past/past participle) make - _______ - _________
made - made
Decribe the scene (according Light's on)
The plane is taking off
Decribe the scene (according Light's on)
He is awake
Decribe the scene (according Light's on)
She is asleep
Decribe the scene (according Light's on)
He is making up a story
Report the sentence - Diana: They are calling our flight
Diana said that they were calling their flight.
Report the sentence - Bloog: We can help Alicia
Bloog said that they could help Alicia.
Report the sentence - Diana: Yann is speaking
Diana said that Yann was speaking
Why is the boy sad?
Because he couldn't get through the call
What are they doing?
They are checkin in.
What is she doing?
She is taking care of the baby
What is she doing?
She is going back home
What's happening to the man?
He is dozzing off
The hall is empty. ______________ has arrived so far!
nobody/no one
I am alone here. I don't know ____________ at this party!
(unit 11) There are _________________ girls outside