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Too x (not) Enough

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why can’t he cook?
Because he's too clumsy / he doesn't practice enough
Why couldn’t you hear that noise?
Because it wasn't loud enough / it was too quiet
Why don’t you eat sushi?
Because it's not cooked enough / I don't like it too much 
Why didn’t you do your homework?
Because it's too difficult / I didn't study enough
Why does she like to eat fruit?
Because they're not too sweet
Why will you stay home tomorrow?
Because I'm too tired / it's going to be too hot outside
Why were you late yesterday?
Because I didn't have enough/too much time to get ready
Why didn’t you travel at night?
Because it was too dark to see
Why did Mark fail the test?
Because his grade wasn't good enough
Why can't she play basketball?
Because she's not tall enough / too short
Why couldn’t Sue wear that dress?
Because it was showing too much
Why wouldn’t you learn Japanese?
Because it's too difficult!
Why didn’t he buy that car?
Because he didn't have enough money.
Why can’t she listen to me?
Because she's too self-centered
Why don’t you like my cousin?
Because he/she is too annoying!
Why did you read that book?
Because it was too good!
Why don’t you eat pizza?
Because I get too bloated
Why can’t you live in NY?
Because it's too crowded / I don't have enough money
Why can you solve that puzzle?
Because I'm too smart
Why can’t you drive?
Because I'm not old enough / I'm too young