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Describe clothes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Now, his clothes aren't formal. They are.....
He always wears ............................in November. (describe it)
a red, wooly scarf
She always wears......................in winter.(describe it)
a wooly hat
She always wears................... when she goes to a wedding. (describe it)
a smart, gold bracelet
He is wearing...................(describe it)
a white, cotton shirt.
He is wearing................(describe it)
white, cotton underwear.
He's wearing ................(describe them).
grey, baggy trousers.
She's wearing ...................(describe them).
small, diamond earings.
He's wearing ....................(describe it)
a fashionable, red tracksuit.
When I play my favourite sport I wear.....................(describe them).
old, white trainers.
Today he's wearing.....................(describe them).
new, yellow boots.
She usually wears.........................(describe them).
smart, pink shoes.
The dog is wearing.............(describe it)
a black, leather jacket.
She's wearing .......................(describe it).
a black and white, striped skirt.
Today she's wearing ......................(describe it).
a short, checked skirt
She's wearing..................(describe it).
a long, gold necklace
When she goes to a wedding she wears..................(Describe it)
a smart, white dress
When she plays her favourite sport she wears.....................(Describe them)
tight, brown leggins