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Swan Island

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who does Hugo hope to meet each time he sails to Swan Island?
The pirates.
What do the pirates tell the children?
Scary stories
What do the pirates and the siblings do after they rescue Jack?
They have a picnic together on Swan Island.
Who rescues Jack?
Two pirates.
What happens to Jack after the wind changes?
He falls into the water.
What happens to the wind after two bluebirds fly over their heads?
It changes and gets very strong.
What does Jack worry about when they get to the water?
The wind
The waves
The boat
The clouds
What did they decide to do last Saturday?
to have a picnic on swan island
to look for pirates on swan island
to look for treasure on swan island
to find a swan
What are the siblings like?
Brave and kind.
Scared and friendly.
Frightened and bored.
Excited and happy.
Where is Swan Island?
ln the middle of the lake.
Who is worst at sailing in the family?
What did their father teach them when they were very young?
To swim and sail.
To cook and make fire.
To read the wind.
To sleep in a tent.
How is the brother's and sister's home different from a normal home?
There are no cinemas, skate parks, festivals or restaurants.
There are no amusement parks.
There are no schools and no skate parks.
There are no shops and no restaurants.
Where do Hugo, Charlie and Jack live?
Next to a large lake