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Simple Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an independent clause?
It has a subject and verb and can stand alone. It is a simple sentence.
What is the job of the verb (predicate)?
what the subject is doing or is
What is the job of the subject?
who or what the sentence is about
Which word in a complete sentence always needs to be capitalized?
the first word
What is one type of end punctuation?
period (.) exclamation mark (!) question mark (?)
A car sped down the freeway Is this a complete sentence?
No, it does not have end punctuation.
The horse jumped the fence. What is the subject?
I cleaned the living room. Is this a complete sentence?
She wanted to go play soccer. What is the simple predicate (verb)?
our tent was destroyed by a bear. Is this a complete sentence?
No. It does not begin with a capital letter.
Toledo read a book in class. What is the subject?
I play the piano well. What is the simple predicate (verb)?
Matin Myint and Par Meh like Korean drama and Thai Drama. Is this a complete sentence?
The police officer turned on his lights and raced after the stolen car. What is the compound verb?
turned, raced
My favorite TV show is American Idol. What is the simple subject?
The cat and dog fought in the living room. What is the compound subject?
cat and dog
The pineapple danced on the counter. Is this a complete sentence?
No, it does not make sense.
Christie and William drove to the park and ate lunch. What is the compound subject?
Christie and William