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Jane's clever idea

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What does Jane want to fix?
Her bike
Her ice skates
Her skateboard
Her CDs
How many wheels does Jane have now?
What object does Jane swap with Clare?
A skateboard for an old bike
A skateboard for CD's
A racket for ice skates
CD's for a racket
What object does Jane swap with Paul?
CD's for a skateboard
A racket for ice skates
A skateboard for a wheel
CD's for a racket
What object does she swap with Matt?
A racket for CDs
Ice skates for a racket
A skateboard for CDs
A racket for a skateboard
What object does she swap with Sam?
Ice skates for a tennis racket
Ice skates for a skateboard
CDs for a tennis racket
A skateboard for CDs
What is Jane's clever idea?
She swaps objects with her friends.
She buys a wheel in a shop.
She asks her granddad for a new wheel.
She wants a wheel for her birthday.
Why can't Jane's mum buy her a new wheel?
Sister's swimsuit and grandmother's present.
Mum needs a new tennis racket.
Her sister goes to a new school.
Her father has no money.
What happens to Jane on Friday?
She falls on the ground
She catches a rabbit
She buys a helmet
She sits on a park seat
What does Jane enjoy doing?
Riding her bike
Going fishing
Walking in the town
Where does Jane live?
In Fairfield
In L'Arboç
In town
In school