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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Ms. Flanagan's dog's name?
What is Ms. Flanagan's number one expectation?
Be nice / kind/ respectful.
TRUE or FALSE: When you arrive late to school, you should go right to class.
FALSE: You need to go to the Attendance Window to get a pass.
Who is this?
Ms. Power,one of our assist admins.
Who is this?
Mr. Judie, one of our assist admins.
Who is this?
Ms. Potis, our principal
Who is this?
Mr. Capecchi, one of our assist admins.
Name a sport that is a fall sport...something you could join right now!
baseball, softball, track and field
What is the "10/10" rule regarding hall passes?
You can't leave class during the first or last ten minutes of class.
Name one of our support staff members? (Name two of the three)
Coach Mac, Mr. Walt, Mr. Maurice
Who is the office coordinator for the counseling office?
Ms. Michelle
What is the name of the lady that works in the school store?
Ms. Brenda
Name someone that works in the Attendance or the Health Room.
Ms. Jodi, Ms. Staci, Nurse Sandy
If you want to check your grades, do you go to Google Classroom or Skyward?
Where do I find the agenda each day?
Google Classroom (in the stream)
Where do I turn in assignments that are not digital, but instead pencil/paper?
In the tubs by the window
What is the best way to reach Ms. Flanagan after hours?
Explain how to unlock a combination locker (without using your own combination!)
Name something you can buy in the school store.
t-shirt, sweatshirt, etc.
How long is lunch?
30 minutes
How long is the passing period?
4 minutes
Where is the counseling office?
2nd floor across from the library
Where do I turn in exit tickets?
in the tub marked "exit ticket" on my way out the door
What is the name of the staff member that works in the library?
Ms. Sarah (Ms. Bartlett)
If you forget your chromebook, where can you borrow one?
True or False: You should bring your Chromebook to school every day?
When is a good time to check your email?
homeroom, free time, home, before school
How often should you check your email?
At least a couple of times a week
How long do you have in-between classes? (Passing Period)
4 minutes
Who is our principal?
Mrs. Potis
What floor is the library on?
Where do you turn in your KERS tickets to be entered the weekly drawing?
Student store
What is a KERS ticket?
"caught you being good"
What are the FOUR MVMS core values? (HINT: What does KERS stand for?)
Kindness, Engaged, Responsible, Safe
What time does school start?
First bell at 8:05. Tardy bell at 8:10.
What street is our school located on? (street address)
Perry Avenue
What is our room number?
What days do we have Homeroom?
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
What are our school colors?
Royal blue, white and black.
How did Mountain View get it's mascot?
Our high school is called the Knights. We are the Knight's apprentice.
What is Mountain View's mascot?