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General Knowledge - Are you Smarter than a 5th G ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What ancient civilization built the Machu Picchu complex in Peru?
The Incas
What was the ancient Egyptian writing system called?
What country invented the fireworks in the 7th century?
Julius Caesar was the emperor of what empire?
The Roman Empire
Which language is mostly spoken in South America?
What number is the Roman numeral XVI?
How many grams are there in a thousand kilograms?
1 million
What species can live on both water and land?
How long does it take for the Earth to revolve around the Sun?
365 days
What is the closest planet to the Sun?
In which galaxy is the Earth located?
The Milky Way
What is the southernmost continent called?
What is the largest country in the world?
What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile
In what country is the famous Taj Mahal located?
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
Who invented the light bulb in 1879?
Thomas Edison