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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's that music? [Emily/play] the guitar?
What's that music? Does Emily play/Is Emily playing/Can Emily play the guitar?
[your parents/cook] something? It smells great!
Are your parents cooking something? It smells great!
[you/be] late? Do you need a ride?
Are you late? Do you need a ride?
I [not be] an idiot! I know how to use it.
I'm not an idiot! I know how to use it.
Ben [be] really helpful. He's already done the washing up!!
Ben is really helpful. He's already done the washing up!
They [be] very creative! Those pictures are amazing!
They're very creative! Those pictures are amazing!
What [your sister/do]? Isn't she a surgeon?
What does your sister do? Isn't she a surgeon?
What [you/read] at the moment?
What are you reading at the moment?
You can turn the radio off. We [not listen] to it.
You can turn the radio off. We're not listening to it.
My brother usually [have] tea with biscuits for breakfast.
My sister usually has tea with biscuits for breakfast....
It [not snow] very often in Florida.
It doesn't snow very often in Florida.
Sorry, I'm a bit busy. I [watch] a film.
Sorry, I'm a bit busy. I'm watching a film.