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Main Idea and Details

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the main idea.
You can do many things in the sand.
You can find sand in the desert.
You can play in the sand at the beach.
What is the main idea?
Eskimos hunt for food and clothes.
Eskimos never hunt.
Eskimos hunt for fun
Use the details to find the main idea.
It is easy to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches taste good.
Many people like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Find the main idea of the passage.
Charles had a great birthday.
Charles got a lot of gifts.
Josh had a great birthday.
Use the details to find the main idea.
Tortoises and snails are similar.
Tortoises and snails are great pets.
Tortoises are better.
What is the main idea?
It tells about games Patty likes to play.
It tells about playing games.
It tells you how to play Monopoly.
Find the main idea.
Frank likes to swim often.
Frank does not swim alone.
Frank is the best swimmer in town.
What is the main idea?
Susan uses her basket often.
We need baskets.
Susan doesn't like to use the basket.
What is the definition of supporting details?
sentences that describe the main idea
the moral of the story
the last paragraph in the text
What is the definition of main idea?
tells you what the story is about
supports the topic of the story
how the story ends