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Holidays and tourism

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A Did you walk everywhere in london? B No, we used the tourist bus to (stop over/get around/pull up).
get around
A What time are you leaving in the morning? B We're going to (get around/get back/set off) at 6.30 a.m.)
set off
We'll be staying with my aunt when we (be) in Vancouver.
I'll be able to tell you what time I'm leaving once I (check) the time of my flight.
've checked / check
Tony's going to pack his bags before he (go) to bed.
I won't go to the beach tomorrow if it (rain).
's raining / rains
The r _ _ _ _ _ (isolated) village we stayed in was over 30 km from the nearest big town.
Some of Britain's beach resorts are rather r_ _ - _ _ _ _ (neglected).
Rio de Janeiro is at its most v_ _ _ _ _ _  (exciting) at carnival time.
Try (hard) not to look like a tourist when you're alone in a foreign county.
We booked the hotel (early) to ensure that we got a nice room.
It took us (rough) half an hour to get there.
Can you * a tent and take it down again on your own?
put up
Would you * a campfire on the beach?
I'm doing an online Spanish course before I go to Spain. I hope (learn) enough by the time I go.
will have learned
Holly's flight from Paris to San Franciso leaves at 9 a.m. At 6 p.m., she (fly) for nine hours.
will have been flying