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Book 3 (Units 1-15) Grammar Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct: I don't have nothing in my pocket.
I don't have anything in my pocket. I have nothing in my pocket.
What were you doing at this time yesterday?
free answer
Complete with few/a few/little/a little: I have ___ pens. I can lend you one.
a few
Complete with few/a few/little/a little: I don't buy a lot of books because I prefer to read online, so I have ____ books.
Complete with few/a few/little/a little: My next class will start in 45 minutes. I have ___ time. How can I help you?
a little
Complete with few/a few/little/a little: I have spent most of my salary. I have ___ money.
Say a sentence with 'ought to'.
I ought to study for the test.
Complete with already, still or yet: I am _____ learning English.
Complete with already, still or yet: I haven't had dinner ____.
Complete with already, still or yet: I have ____ watched this movie.
Would rather travel to Europe or to the USA? Why?
free answer
Say a sentence with 'may' or 'might'.
I may travel next month. It might rain tomorrow.
Say a sentence with "shall".
Shall I open the window? Shall we go to the cinema?
What are the verb forms of drive?
The verb forms os drive are drive, drove, driven
Complete: The teacher wants _____ to ______
The teacher wants the students to pay attention.
Complete with the second conditional: I ____ (not play) the piano well if I ____ (not practice) so much.
I wouldn't play the piano well if I didn't practice so much.
Complete with the second conditional: I _____ (stay) here if I ____ (have) more time.
I would stay here if I had more time.
Complete with the second conditional: If I ____ (not have) money, I _____ (not buy) a new car.
If I didn't have money, I wouldn't buy a new car.
Complete with second conditional: If I ____ (be) an animal, I ______ (be) a cat.
If I were an animal, I would be a cat.