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Past, Future, and Future Perfect Tense

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the past: Next week or Last week?
Last week
Name a specific time in the future.
I _____ (fly) to Japan last summer.
I flew to Japan last summer.
I ____ (am/is/are) going to meet my friend at the dance.
I am going to meet my friend at the dance.
True or False: All past tense verbs end in -ed
Two months ago I _____ (eat) at a restaurant with my family.
Two months ago I ate at a restaurant with my family.
True or False: "Will" and "Going to" are both used to talk about the future.
I _____ (call) my friend last night, but she did not answer.
I called my friend last night, but she did not answer.
Yesterday I _____ (go) to my friend's house.
Yesterday I went to my friend's house.
What tense uses the word "by" or "before".
Future perfect
What tense is used to talk about things that have already been completed?
Past tense
Which tense uses the formula: Will have + past participle?
Future perfect
When mom comes home I ______ help her cook dinner.
When mom comes home I will help her cook dinner.
We ______ stay home this weekend and play games.
We will stay home this weekend and play games.
She ____  _____ learned to drive by age 18.
She will have learned to drive by age 18.
I am ____ ____ go to the market on Saturday.
I am going to go to the market on Saturday.
I ( will not) wake up early tomorrow.
I won't wake up early tomorrow.
Next month I ______ go to school online.
Next month I will go to school online.
By 8 o'clock tonight, I will _______ finished my homework.
By 8 o'clock tonight, I will have finished my homework.
Last year I _____ (make) good grades in school.
Last year I made good grades in school.