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Should / must

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you want to play a guitar, you (must/shouldn't/should) take lessons at Music school.
Mark has broken his leg. Should he move it?
No, he shouldn't.
The kids are sick. Should they go swimming?
No, they shouldn't.
Where should I go if I have a temperature and a headache?
You should go to the hospital. / You should stay home. (other answers?)
What must I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms?
You must go to the doctor. / You must call your doctor. (other answers?)
If she has a headache, she (shouldn't/should/must) take a cough drop - an aspirin is better.
If you have a temperature, you (should/must/mustn't) lie down and rest.
With the COVID-19 pandemic happening, we (mustn't/must/should) wear masks and sanitize all the time.
We (shouldn't/should/mustn't) use the phone during the class to talk to our friends.
Students (must/should/shouldn't) wear a uniform when they go to school.
If you have a broken arm or leg, this first thing you (should/must/shouldn't) do is go to a doctor.
They (must/should/shouldn't) put on a bandage over those deep cuts. It's bleeding a lot!
When you have a sore throat, you (mustn't/must/should) take some cough drops.
My friend had a big stomachache yesterday, and now he (shouldn't/should/must) eat a lot of sugar.
If you have a snake bite, you (must/should/shouldn't) go to the doctor.
People (shouldn't/should/mustn't) cover their mouths when they cough.