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Adverbs of frequency

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How often do you help your mum?
I sometimes/always/usually/never
How often do you watch One Piece?
I sometimes/always/usually/never
How often do you read comics?
I sometimes/always/usually/never
How often do you go to the supermarket?
I sometimes/always/usually/never
How often do you go to school?
I sometimes/always/usually/never
How often do you drive a car?
I sometimes/always/usually/never
How often do you watch Youtube?
I sometimes/always/usually/never.....
What is the adverb of frequency that we use for an action we do a lot but not every day?
What is the adverb of frequency that we use for an action we do all the time?
What is the adverb of frequency that we use for an action we don't do at all?
How often do you do your homework?
I sometimes/always/usually/never do my homework.
Find the mistakes and correct them: He always play games when he come home
He always plays games when he comes home.
Find the mistakes and correct them. How often do Kelvin takes a shower?
How often does Kelvin take a shower?
my / 6:45 / pm. / at / sometimes / do / I / homework
I sometimes do my homework at 6:45 pm.
often / do / How / do / your / homework? / you
How often do you do your homework?
How often ____ she ________ at_____?
How often does she make her bed at 6.30?
how often does David come home at 5:oo pm?
He usually comes home at 5:00 pm.
at / Kaity / am. / a / never / breakfast / 10:30 / has
Kaity never has a breakfast at 10:30 am.
Find the mistake and correct it. They have a snack usually at 3:00 pm.
They usually have a snack at 3:00 pm.
What is the adverb of frequency that we use for an action we only do on some occasions?