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Just in time 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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9. Why are they happy at the end?
Because they were home just in time.
8. What does the robot warn them about?
That he will bring them to prison.
7. Why do they leave the future quickly?
Because the robot wanted to arrest them
6. What did the robot tell them?
That time machines are not allowed and he will arrest them.
5. What was the robot like?
It was enormous and made of metal.
4. What year do they arrive in the future?
the year 3000
3. What does Kurt think he will see in the future?
flying cars and robots
What was Jody’s mistake?
She turned the dial the wrong way.
How do you know they were in Egypt in the past?
Because they saw ancient pyramids.