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P6 Places We Live - Final Revision

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The earliest civilisation along the Mekong River is known to exist in __________ AD.
The Chinese call the Mekong River ____________ River or 'Lancang Jiang'.
What human development is threatening the Mekong River's flow downstream?
Building of dams
Tonle Sap, which is part of the Mekong River, can be found in which country?
The Mekong River flows out to the _________________.
South China Sea
The Mekong River is about ___________ km long. (a) 6000 (b) 5000 (c) 600 (d) 500
(b) 5000
The start of the Mekong River can be found in _____________.
The Mekong River flows through _________ Asian countries. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 8
(b) 6
Name two crops that are grown by people living near volcanoes.
rice / soya beans / peanuts
By ____________, much of Jakarta will have sunk beneath the ocean. (a) 2030 (b) 2040 (c) 2050 (d) 2060
(c) 2050
Jakarta is sinking because of _____________. (a) rapid urbanisation (b) Tsunamis (c) Hurricanes (d) flooding
(a) rapid urbanisation
Which of these countries are on the Ring of Fire? (a) Japan & New Zealand (b) Indonesia & Malaysia (c) Singapore & California
(a) Japan & New Zealand
When the tectonic plates of the earth collide, they cause an ________________.
Where is Merapi? (Country)
What is the main reason why people insist on living near volcanoes?
The land is fertile.
House of the Akha Tribe are usually built on _________________. (a) water (b) mountains (c) trees (d) hillsides
(d) hillsides
The WWF reports more than three new species discovered every month. What does the WWF stand for?
World Wildlife Fund
___________ of SEA is made up for tropical rainforest. (a) 30% (b) 60% (c) 15% (d) 40%
(b) 60%
SEA has the _____________ largest tropical rainforest. (a) second (b) third (c) fourth (d) fifth
(b) third