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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you called a large group of people?
You call it a crowd.
What do you called having courage?
This is called bravery.
What do you call weaving long hair together?
It is called a braid.
What does a baby sleep in?
A baby sleeps in a crib.
What do you eat in the morning?
I eat breakfast in the morning.
What has a trunk, branches and leaves?
A tree has a trunk, branches, and leaves.
How do you get better at a skill?
Practicing helps you get better at a skill.
What do you get on your birthday?
You get presents on your birthday.
What color is money and grass?
Both are green.
What do you use to stop your car?
Brakes stop your car.
What fruit is made into raisins?
Grapes dried and made into raisins.
What is made from potatoes and you can order it from McDonald's?
French fries are made out of potatoes.
Who do you hang out with?
I hang out with my friend(s).
What do you use to make toast?
You use bread to make toast.
What do you mow?
You mow the grass.
What can you jump on in your backyard?
You can jump on a trampoline.
What instrument do you beat with your hands or sticks?
You beat a drum with your hands or drumsticks.
What has claws and lives in or near the ocean?
A crab lives near the ocean.