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Idioms with water and vocabulary with water

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The sink is fill of water. Please ______the water.
What is this verb?
The man is being _______
What is this verb?
What is this verb?
Oh no!, I ______ coffee on my white dress! A) sprayed B) spilled
B) spilled
Alfter shampooing your, _______ it with warm water
Oh no!, I ______ coffee on my white dress! A) sprayed B) spilled
B) spilled
Oh no!, I ______ coffee on my white dress! A) sprayed B) spilled
B) spilled
Tom is __________ the dishes. A) rinsing B)trickling
A) rinsing
"Dip your toe in the water" Means A)very boring B)try an activity for a short time to see if you like it, or if it will be successful
try an activity for a short time to see if you like it, or if it will be successful
"To be like oil and water", means A)judge what people think about something before acting on it B)describes things that do not work well together
describes things that do not work well together
"To muddy the waters".What does it mean? A) to make a situation more confusing than it was before/ B)describes a plan or idea that is unlikely to be successful
to make a situation more confusing than it was before
Forget all about what you said at the party, _________________
it’s water under the bridge.
Thanks to a donation from the charity after Mrs Lam lost her job, the family are __________________.
keeping their heads above water.
"Blood is thicker than water", what's the meaning of this idiom?
family relationships are more important than all others
I know you don’t think the camping trip is exciting, but there was no need to _____________ over Billy’s suggestion. He planned it all himself!
pour cold water
If you don't tell the truth to your parents, you will be_________________
in hot water
The football team is__________ ; there’s no way they can come back from a 3-1 score to win.
in deep water
Robert felt____________surrounded by the girls who had been doing judo for years.
like a fish out of water