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Book 2 (1st half) Test Revision Complete

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is _____ (bad) shop in this shopping mall.
the worst
Put the words in the right order adding "WILL" or "DID": vacation / where / your / on / you / go / next / ?
Where will you go on your next vacation?
If it's cold, we wear shorts. True or False?
The air is better in the country than in the city. True or False?
Science is ______ (difficult) History.
more difficult than
Portuguese is ______ (easy) subject at school.
the easiest
Pizza is _____ (good) a sandwich.
better than
This is _____ (good) restaurant in this town.
the best
I ____ (not be) in Europe last month.
____ (be) you at work 5 minutes ago?
Put the words in the right order adding "WILL" or "DID": do / ago / what / minutes / you / 5
What did you do 5 minutes ago?
Put the words in the right order adding "WILL" or "DID": you / month / play / last / chess / ?
Did you play chess last month?
Put the words in the right order adding "WILL" or "DID": am / he / tomorrow / at / work / start / 8
He will start work at 8 am tomorrow.
Put the words in the right order adding "WILL" or "DID": book / buy / a / they / new / not
They will not buy a new book
Put the words in the right order adding "WILL" or "DID": not / night / open / I / the / last / book
I did not open the book last night.
Put the words in the right order adding "WILL" or "DID": next / visit / my / I / week/ parents
I will visit my parents next week.
People buy dishwashers because they like washing pots and plates. True or False?
Motorway is a British English word and Highway is an American English word. True or False?