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Counting 1-10

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many horses are there?
There are 6.
How many frogsĀ are there?
There areĀ 6.
How many bananasĀ are there?
There areĀ 5.
How many catsĀ are there?
There areĀ 4.
How many pigsĀ are there?
There areĀ 3.
How many bearsĀ are there?
There areĀ 2.
How many applesĀ are there?
There areĀ 10.
How many elephantsĀ are there?
There areĀ 9.
How many foxesĀ are there?
There areĀ 8.
How many balloonsĀ are there?
There areĀ 7.
How many alligatorsĀ are there?
There areĀ 3.
How many fishĀ are there?
There areĀ 6.
How many farm animalsĀ are there?
There areĀ 4.
How many dogsĀ are there?
There isĀ 1.
How many rabbitsĀ are there?
There areĀ 8.
How many beach ballsĀ are there?
There areĀ 2.
How many turtlesĀ are there?
There areĀ 5.