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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I wish I ____ _______ that expensive Blazer, now it's unavaliable anymore. (to buy)
had bought
He doesn't know nothing about this problem.
He doesn't know anything about this problem.
I have a good news for you
I have good news for you
I've been abroad 10 years.
I've been abroad for 10 years.
food for the thought
something that is worth thinking about carefully
to sell ice to an Eskimo
to be able to sell anything to anyone
to look down on
to feel someone is less important than you
to make up
to forgive someone and be friendly with them again
A thief, ____ was considered guilty, and he was sentenced for 84 years in prison.
They ___ ______ on the paper, when the Professor came in with the correct exams. (to write)
had written
When Christian saw Kareen there, she __ already _____ the flight ticket. (to pay)
had paid
train of thought
a series of connected thoughts
Down in the dumps
make a sentence with the past perfect (had + past participle)
To be coming up
to be happening soon
To put you down
to criticize someone
Make sure
to take special care to do something