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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Report this question. ´Do you like chocolate?´ He asked......
If/whether I liked chocolate
Report this question. ´Why did she do it?´ He asked......
Why she had done it
In Reported Speech, what does ´be going to´ change to?
was going to
In Reported Speech, what does the Present Perfect Continuous change to?
Past Perfect Cont
In Reported Speech, what does the present simple change to?
Past simple
What is the noun from the verb SPEAK ?
I applied for the job. ..... , i didn't get it, unfortunately. Although / As well as / Despite / However / In order to / So / That´s why / Too
....... improve my vocabulary, i am watching french films. Although / As well as / Despite / However / In order to / So / That´s why / Too
in order to
....... the high salary i was offered, i turned down the job. Although / As well as / Despite / However / In order to / So / That´s why / Too
Which one(s) express purpose ? Although / As well as / Despite / However / In order to / So / That´s why / Too
In order to
Which one(s) express Reason/Result ? Although / As well as / Despite / However / In order to / So / That´s why / Too
So / That´s why /
Which one(s) contrasts information ? Although / As well as / Despite / However / In order to / So / That´s why / Too
Although, Despite , However
Which one(s) gives extra information ? Although / As well as / Despite / However / In order to / So / That´s why / Too
As well as, Also, Too
Our manager ..... to everyone in the team about the new post SAY / SPEAK / TALK / TELL (use correct form)
That was a silly thing to ..... to a customer SAY / SPEAK / TALK / TELL (use correct form)
Why don´t you just ..... there´s been a misunderstanding SAY / SPEAK / TALK / TELL (use correct form)
Don´t ...... me you haven´t filled in the application form yet SAY / SPEAK / TALK / TELL (use correct form)
Everyone...... I´m very lucky to have such a good job. SAY / SPEAK / TALK / TELL (use correct form)
Your manager shouldn´t ..... like that to you. SAY / SPEAK / TALK / TELL (use correct form)
Why don´t you apply for the job ? said Joe Joe...................... the job (suggested)
what does Work Out mean here ? I WORK OUT at the gym 3 or 4 times a week.
Do Exercise
What does Work out mean here ? We finally WORKED OUT how much tax we have to pay
Choose the correct collocation It´s important to look for a job that offers good WORK / CAREER / PROFESSION opportunities
Choose the correct collocation A good place to look for a job is through a(n) WORK / PROFESSION / EMPLOYMENT agency
Choose the correct collocation People who work in the medical PROFESSION / CAREER / OCCUPATION need dedication
Choose the correct collocation Until recently, engineering used to be seen as a male EMPLOYMENT / OCCUPATION / WORK.
Choose the correct collocation I expect there isn´t much JOB / WORK / CAREER security in counselling
Which is the correct collocation ? Helping people gives me a lot of WORK / JOB / EMPLOYMENT satisfaction