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The Giver

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Lived and cared for in a facility until the Ceremony of one
new child
Most important and serious roles in the community
Person in charge of caring for newchildren
Jonas was shocked to learn what release meant. True or false?
The former Receiver of Memory was considered a failure because she couldn't handle the memories and requested release. True or false?
Jonas's parents couldn't answer Jonas's question about love because they would get in trouble by the Chief Elder. True or false?
Asher was punished for confusing the words "snack" and "smack" because precise language was a requirement in the community. True or false?
Fifty babies were born in the community each year. True or False?
What rules did Jonas break when Jonas and Gabe escaped?
stole scraps put out for trash after the evening meal and stole his father’s bicycle
What do children receive at the ceremony of the nines?
a bicycle
Why does Jonas decides to leave the community earlier than he and the Giver had planned?
Gabriel has been scheduled for release
What does Rosemary's release show?
being a receiver of memories is too painful for some
What do The Giver, Jonas, and Gabriel all have in common?
They have pale eyes
Jonas’s defiant/resistent attitude is foreshadowed early in the book when he
takes an apple from the Recreation Center
What happens after the age of twelve?
children train for their assignments
Her assignment was Caretaker of the Old - Jonas dreamed about her
Who made the community rules?
Had been The Giver’s daughter
Jonas’s “funny” friend, struggled with precision of language
Gave memories to the new Receiver of Memory
The Giver
Jonas’s sister
Left the community with Jonas to escape release
Jonas's father
In charge of caring for and releasing newchildren
Worked for the Department of Justice
Jonas's Mother
The main character who became the new Receiver of Memory