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Simple Past or Present Perfect Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What sports ___ you ___ (play) when you were younger?
What sports did you play when you were younger? I played basketball when I was younger.
How many times ____ you ____ (be) abroad?
How many times have you been abroad? I have been abroad only once.
Where ___ you ____ (live) when you were five years old?
Where did you live when you were five years old? I lived in São Vicente when I was five years old.
____ you _____ (eat) in a restaurant this week?
Have you eaten in a restaurant this week? Yes, I have eaten in a restaurant this week.
___ you ____ (have) breakfast today?
Have you had breakfast today? Yes, I have had breakfast today.
What food ____ you _____ (hate) when you were younger?
What food did you hate when you were younger? I hated beets when I was younger.
____ you ever _______ (be) on TV?
Have you ever been on TV? Yes, I was on TV in 2018.
What ___ you ____ (wear) yesterday?
What did you wear yesterday? I wore jeans and a T-shirt yesterdays.
_____ you ever _____ (sing) karaoke?
Have you ever sung karaoke? Yes, I sung karaoke last year.
What ____ you ____ (do) for your last birthday?
What did you do for your last birthday? I went to a restaurant for my last birthday.
What states in Brazil ___ you ____ (visit)?
What states in Brazil have you visited? I have visited Rio, Minas and Paraná.
What ____ you ____ (eat) for lunch yesterday?
What did you eat for lunch yesterday? I ate chicken for lunch yesterday.
______ you ever ______ (lie) about your age?
Have you ever lied about your age? No, I have never lied about my age.
Where ___ you _____ (go) on your last vacation?
Where did you go on your last vacation? I went to Minas Gerais on my last vacation.
_____ you _________ (buy) anything expensive this month?
Have you bought anything expensive this month? No, I haven't bought anything expensive this month.
What time ____ you ______ (go) to bed last night?
What time did you go to bed last night? I went to bed at midnight last night.