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Water Storage In The Past

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Rudrama had ruled in male dominated society for more than ___ years.
Rudrama, the only queen of ___________.
Andhra Pradesh
The Kakatiya rulers had built thousands of small reservoirs or tanks across ________ and interconnected them for efficient water management.
This dynasty was preceded by ________ Empire and ________.
Western Chalukyan, Eastern Chalukyas
Kakatiya dynasty (1163-1323 C.E.) was a very distinguished___________which shaped history and civilization of the region.
South Indian Dynasty
Most of the major temples in Hampi have a ________ built near them.
The Pushkaranis were a ______ feature of the ruined town.
Prominent / Important / Famous
Rani Ki Vav has been listed as one of ________ World Heritage Sites since ______.
Rani Ki Vav has been listed as one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites since 2014.
What are stepwells?
Stepwells are wells or ponds in which the water is reached by descending a set of steps to the water level.
What are the two stepwells about which we discussed today?
Rani Ki Vav & The Pushkarinis of Hampi