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First and Second Conditional

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To give advice
Second Conditional
First Conditional
The opposite of reality
Second Conditional
First Conditional
Not probable to happen in the present or future
Second Conditional
First Conditional
Impossible to happen in the present or future
Second Conditional
First Conditional
Possible to happen in the present or future
First Conditional
Second Conditional
If I _____(have) wings, I _____(fly) (2nd)
had ; would fly
If she _____(drink) more water, she _____(have) less headaches. (2nd)
drank ; would have
If he _____(eat) less junk food, he _____(be) healthier. (2nd)
ate ; would be
If he _____(not be) so angry, more people _____(like) him. (2nd)
weren't (wasn't) ; would like
She _____(not be) so tired if she _____(not work) so hard. (2nd)
wouldn't be ; didn't work
If we _____(not have) telephones, life _____(be) different. (2nd)
didn't have ; would be
Where _____(you go) if you _____(can) travel anywhere in the world? (2nd)
would you go ; could
I _____(not play) with sharks if I _____(be) you. (2nd)
wouldn't play ; were
She _____(pass) the exam if she _____(study) more. (2nd)
would pass ; studied
If I _____(win) the lotto, I _____(travel) the world. (2nd)
won ; would travel
If he _____(eat) all of that food, he _____(be) sick. (1st)
eats ; will be
_____ (you / help) me if I _____(ask) you? (1st)
Will you help ; ask
I_____(not go) to the party if he_____ (not come) (1st)
won't go ; doesn't come
You _____(get) sick if you _____(not wear) a coat. (1st)
will get ; don't wear
If it _____(rain), she _____(take) a taxi. (1st)
rains ; will take
He _____(make) more money if he _____ (get) the job. (1st)
will make ; gets
If I _____(tell) you a secret, _____  (you / promise) not to tell anyone? (1st)
tell ; will you promise
If he _____(finish) work early, he _____(come) home early. (1st)
finishes ; will come
They _____(go) to the seaside if they _____(go) on holiday. (1st)
will go ; go
If you _____ (come) home late, your mom_____ (be) angry. (1st)
come ; will be