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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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how do you feel when your parent or sibling help you?
when you were playing you broke something.is it ok to tell a lie?
how can you be more helpful to your parents? to your siblings?
good job!
When your family grocery shops, how can you be a helper?
good job!
what does it mean to be helpful? why should you be more helpful?
good job!
Why it is important to do chores? What would happen if we all stop doing them?
good job!
What do you think its important to be kind?
what does kindness looks like? feel like? sound like?
good job!
There is a candy on the table in your home. Everyone in your home is busy with some work. what will you do?
Baba is watching you!
You watched a tv show and your time is over. your parents asks you to off the tv. how will you react?
listen to them
you got a new toy as present. you friend or sibling wants to play with that toy. what will you do?
how do you think other people feel when u are kind to them?
how does it feel when someone is unkind to you?
sad unhappy
what was the last kindness thing you did for someone else?
you did it!
How can you show more kindness to your sibling or parents?
helping, sharing or caring
How can you be more mindful of other when you cough or sneeze?
Elbow please
You're having snack time with family, sibling or friends. only one cookie left , what will you do