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Present Continuous 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Their / mechanic / fix / cars / there.
Their mechanic is fixing cars over there.
I / die / hair / right now.
I am dying my hair right now.
Her / son's classmates / fly / kites / now.
Her son's classmates are flying kites now.
His / chickens / lay / eggs / right now?
Are his chickens laying eggs right now?
Your / cats' mom / climb / tree / at / present?
Is your cats' mom climbing the tree at present?
she / borrow / books / library?
Is she borrowing books at the library?
they / buy / souvenirs / now?
Are they buying souvenirs now?
My dad's friends / talk / to / him / now.
My dad's friends are talking to him now.
Martha / not / visit / her / grandparents / next year.
Martha isn't visiting her grandparents next year.
our / sister / not / stay / us / tonight.
Our sister is not staying with us tonight.
My friend / I / collect / money / our / school / orchestra.
My friend and I are collecting money for our school orchestra.
Their / cousin / watch / TV / now.
Their cousin is watching TV now.
I / not/ play / football / this Monday.
I'm not playing football this Monday.
why / Mr. Clark / write / on / board?
Why is Mr. Clark writing on the board?
where / his grandma / travel / to / next week?
Where's his grandma traveling to next week?
what / your class / practice / this week?
What is your class practicing this week?
why / we / go / to / beach / now?
Why are we going to the beach now?
where / your cousins / study / English / this Sunday?
Where are your cousins studying English this Sunday?
what / her sister / do / right now?
What is her sister doing right now?
who / your cousin / babysit?
Who's your cousin babysitting?
what / they / study / this month?
What are they studying this month?
why / you / take / dancing lessons?
Why are you taking dancing lessons?
where / he / teach / this year?
Where is he teaching this year?
what / she / eat / this / morning?
What's she eating this morning?