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What am I?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I always go to bed with my shoes on. What am I?
A horse
I go around the yard, but I do not move. What am I?
A fence
You use me to see inside of someone. What am I?
I’m a water mammal who is always busy. What am I?
You can build or destroy. Let creativity soar but be careful at night. What am I?
You can throw me away, but I will always come back. What am I?
A boomerang
I am a room, but you cannot enter me. Sometimes I’m poisonous, and sometimes I’m delicious to eat. What am I?
A mushroom
I can be as big as an elephant, but I weigh nothing. What am I?
A shadow
I go up and down, but I never move. What am I?
A Flight of Stairs
I can connect you to the world but sometimes you ignore me. I’m covered with buttons and my sounds can be unique. Don’t drop me or I might crack. What am I?
I am a home for feathered animals. What am I?
A nest
If you’re good, I will visit you once a year. What am I?
Santa Claus
I am known for my tuxedo that I wear while marching. What am I?
I have a spine but no bones. What am I?
I have teeth, but I don’t eat. What am I?
Comb or Hairbrush
With soap and water, you can create me and I will float. What am I?
When you look at me, you can only see yourself. What am I?
I am a very well known game. Usually we come in a pair and as siblings, specifically brothers. We are both plumbers. Who are we?
Mario and Luigi
I am a part of you. If you cut me, you will not feel anything. What am I?
Fingernails or Hair
I am very pretty. You can give me to anyone and it will make their day, what am I?
I help you see in very dark places, what am I?
I am small and I can fit in a pocket or a purse. I hold very important items, what am I?
I am full of words and definitions, what am I?
I am scaly and slither around on my stomach, what am I?