Edit Game
Book 1 (2nd half)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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husband / doesn't / woman / a / have / single / a / .
A single woman doesn't have a husband.
a / know / who / I / twin / has / somebody / .
I know somebody who has a tiwn.
by / I / to / bus / work / go / .
I go to work by bus.
now / using / phone / is / a / nobody / mobile / .
Nobody is using a mobile phone now.
money / don't / in / any / I / pocket / have / my / ,
I don't have any money in my pocket.
saying / she / doesn't / that / is / she / a / dog / have / .
She is saying that she doesn't have a dog.
theirs / house / is / this / .
This house is theirs.
isn't / sing / it / to / a / difficult / song / .
It isn't difficult to sing a song.
without / animals / live / can't / water / .
Animals can't live without water.
moment / waiting / you / for / are / at / teacher / the / the / ?
Are you waiting for the teacher at the moment?
language / the / I'm / English / learning / .
I'm leaning the English language.
isn't / with / sugar / food / for / a / good / lot / people / of / .
Food with a lot of sugar isn't good for people.
sentence / can't / a / in / you / long / Japanese / say / .
You can't say a long sentence in Japanese.
on / go / Friday / to / I / cinema / evening / the / .
I go to the cinema on Friday evening.
under / can't / drink / people / 18 / wine / .
People under 18 can't drink wine.
sushi / don't / often / I / eat / .
I don't often eat sushi.
lessons / like / do / English / you / ?
Do you like English lessons?
dogs / you / hot / do / like / ?
Do you like hot dogs?