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It's good to be passive

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make the sentence. Blood and fingerprints ..................... (find) all over the crime scene.
Blood and fingerprints were found all over the crime scene.
Make the active sentences passive: Napoleon designed the Italian flag
The Italian flag was designed by Napoleon
Make the passive sentences active: Old songs are played on this radio station
This radio station plays old songs
Make the passive sentences active: Nests are made by birds
Birds make nests
Make the active sentence passive: The town hall owns this building
This building is owned by the town hall
Make the active sentence passive: The secretary sends the emails
The emails are sent by the secretary
Make the active sentence passive: Nurses wear uniforms
Uniforms are worn by nurses
Make the passive sentence: The limousine ________ (drive) by the chauffeur
is driven
Make the passive sentence: The church ________ (build) on ancient ruins
is built
Make the passive sentence: The internet ________ (use) by millions of people around the world
is used
Make the passive sentence: Bad Guy _______ (sing) by Billie Eilish
is sung
What's missing? Penguins are ______ (find) in the Antarctic
What's missing? Harry Potter is _____ (play) by the actor Daniel Radcliffe
What's missing? Honey ____ made by bees
Does this sentence use the active or the passive voice? Does this shop sell soap?
Active voice (auxiliary verb do + subject + main verb + object?)
Does this sentence use the active or the passive voice? Is Halloween celebrated in the UK?
Passive voice (be + object + verb past participle + subject?)
Does this sentence use the active or the passive voice? The information is written on the whiteboard
Passive voice (Object + be + verb past participle + Subject)
Does this sentence use the active or the passive voice? Most people live in flats nowadays
Active voice (Subject + verb + Object)