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Fun Stuff

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain 3 English words so that everyone guesses
Easy, right!
Take a cup and get 3 small objects into it from a distance
Guess two good singers on "The Musical Intuition"
How did you even do that?!
Interpret/translate a given clip for 1 minute
Guess what sounds animals make *You need to guess 5 to get your points
Oink, oink
Sing banana phone with everybody!
So funny!
Tell about your favorite part about studying in JSI
Choose one person and compete in a battle of "Pow, pow" with words (10 words) *You get your points if you win
You did it !
Sing and show "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" with everybody
Nicely done!
Choose someone to tell 2 lies and 1 truth and if you guess right you'll get your points
You did it!
Tell 15 English verbs
Teach Present Simple or something else in 5 minutes
Lead 'Simon Says' for 3 minutes
Get everyone moving!
Tell 5 positive qualities of someone in the room
How nice
Go to reception and ask about the time
Tell 10 capitals, countries and colors
Tell about the most memorable thing that happened this semester
Tell more!
Tell 5 things about someone in your class
Memory check
Tell 5 things about yourself
How interesting!
Play table football for 2 minutes
Walk like a duck/penguin/frog from the classroom to the reception
Silly you
Make 3 sentences using 3 different tenses
Well that was amazing
Do 10 jumping jacks and count out loud
Energized !
Walk from the classroom to the game section with books on your head
How hard was that
Go to the reception and compliment someone there
Well done